Sunday School
We welcome PRE-K to HS students to join us every Sunday!

Our Sunday School welcomes children of all ages from Pre-K to High School. One of the places where children learn about our Greek Orthodox faith from a group of dedicated individuals who look forward to seeing them each week. The teachers use many resources including our church, Father Panagiotis’ guidance, and interactive tools all in the effort to bring our religion to life.
Divine Liturgy begins at 9:30 am and we ask that the children sit in the pews on the left side which allows them to listen to the Holy Gospel reading, receive Holy Communion and then attend Sunday School.
Father will attempt to offer communion to the children first, so they may get to their respective classes quicker. Please remind your children to state their name clearly so Father Panayiotis can repeat it while giving them the sacrament of Holy Communion. After receiving they should do their cross.
Your child’s grade/class is the same as their grade/class in public/private school.
We are looking forward to a great year in Sunday School with your children and our wonderful teachers.
Graduation certificates will be given to all students who have attended Sunday School most of the year. If your child is absent and has attended another parish for liturgy or another religious ceremony, please let their teacher know.
We kindly ask that you please send in a box of non-perishable cookies (no peanut products please) that can be brought to class with your child. This contribution makes our Church Coffee Hour possible. Thank you!
Thank you for your dedication to our program since we strive to support what you as parents teach your children. Together we will help them grow into responsible young adults with their
Greek Orthodox faith to help guide them through life. We look forward to a wonderful year with your children.
If you should have any questions, please feel free to see any of the following directors:
Nikie Sourlis
Joyce Magriples
Anna Zamora
Nausica Orthodoxou